Cookie Consent by GIS | Marico Marine


Marico Marine's GIS team of consultants, analysts and developers are adept in the core principals of GIS data analysis and modelling. Utilising a combination of open source and proprietary GIS software and programming languages, Marico has developed bespoke GIS maritime risk tools to enable the modelling of vessel traffic data.

Collision Risk Modelling

The assessment of navigation risk through the creation of GIS vessel traffic simulations enables robust quantitative modelling of vessel behaviour and the determination of future-case scenarios.

Marico Marine's Collision Risk Assessment services enable the quantification of collision risk between vessels and other vessels or fixed objects such as offshore wind turbines or oil & gas structures.



Gate Analysis

Marico’s Gate Analysis for ArcGIS tool enables the frequency, direction and percentiles of traffic through a linear channel to be calculated and visualised.



Track Divert

Marico’s in-house track divert tool utilises route centrelines and standard deviations of AIS data to deviate established vessel routeing around obstacles aiding site selection, planning, risk assessment and monitoring for offshore developments.

Vessel Density Analysis

Marico Marine's vessel density algorithm processes AIS vessel tracks into a raster output, enabling analysis and visualisation of vessel traffic movement patterns.



Dropped Object Risk Prediction

Marico offer Dropped Object Risk Prediction services that integrate the results of weathervaning timeseries data with dropped object impact probabilities to provide annual probabilities of failing objects to assess the risk to seabed infrastructure.



Site Selection and Risk Mapping

Incorporating vessel traffic density and marine spatial datasets alongside mariner expertise, Marico provide a multi-criteria, weighted overlay approach to navigation risk to support offshore wind leasing and hydrographic risk assessments.

Marico’s Shipping & Navigation Constraints Model combines risk scoring and weighting of spatial datasets to produce model scenario outputs in GIS.


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Marico Marine is pleased to present HAZMAN II - the updated, fully secure, web-based maritime risk assessment tool: including Navigation, Health and Safety and Corporate risk modules.

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